Something for Coma
November 2007
for flexible ensemble: piccolo (or a recorder), at least 3 flutes, at least 4 other winds, piano, other instruments (facultative), at least 4 strings
Something for Coma is a short simple piece. I wrote it for a special event of Coma London; a workshop gived by Dave Smith.
(score) score
(audio) read-through by Coma London on 20th of November 2007
-> Coma London used to have up to 7 flutes, it is why I wrote something with a lot of flutes. Sadly the day of the recording, just one flutist was there(and just 2 woodwinds). I’m quite disappointed by that because I based this piece on a chord of flute in the low register, and a chord of one note is a bit thin.
(link) COMA’s website
Jam & Tea Croisement d'instruments
During a Jam & Tea session we try hybrid instruments.
Notez qu'aucun instrument n'a été maltraité durant la procédure et qu'aucune manipulation génétique n'a eu lieu.
Here Adam Lewin on Clt (mouth piece of a clarinet and its bell)
Here Adam Lewin and Sonia Paço-Rocchia on WhistlalC (or ClaltsihW) (mouth piece of a clarinet with a Whistle)
(video) Here Adam Lewin on Clanet and Sonia Paço-Rocchia on Bascolo (clarinet just with half of the body and the reed and the crook of the bassoon and the body of a piccolo.)
Sorry it is a very small very short video
Jam & Tea #3
It was a very nice night! Thank you everyone for coming!
Important discoverys after this session:
-Pasta with Jam it is good
-Natalie’s wine is good even if she’s not there (She must come soon, before we finish her bottle)
-Toilette paper cardboard tube is a great instrument
-A Tongue drum is a good pique-nick
-9 against 11 never come back together
Playing this games: Adam Lewin, Therese Bann, Mariko Otake, Tom Whitehouse & Sonia Paço-Rocchia
(audio) A game about loops
(link) Some hybrid instruments
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