“Bicycles & the Arts” at Chicago Hot Glass
Friday, September 30 (8 p.m.)
Chicago Hot Glass
1250 North Central Park Avenue
Chicago, IL 60651
phone: (773) 394-3252
You are invited to attend “Bicycles and the Arts,” the kick-off event for the Sixth Annual Chicago Calling Arts Festival. This event also happens during the 2011 Chicago Artists Month. The purposes of “Bicycles and the Arts” include: finding meaningful connections between values of bicycle culture and values found in the arts community (such as community development through public access and education); highlighting the values of bicycling such as healthy lifestyles; and making meaningful connections with other related topics such as safe streets and progressive urban planning. In addition, this event will be a fundraiser for Co-op Image’s Fall 2011 Glassworks Program. This event is being presented by the Borderbend Arts Collective, in partnership with Chicago Hot Glass. Admission $15, refreshments provided.
“Bicycles and the Arts” includes—
- demonstrations by resident artists and guest artists of Chicago Hot Glass and Co-Op Image students;
- bicycle-themed art (2D and 3D art and videos)—by artists such as Andy DelaRosa and other TBA artists;
- presentations by bicycle enthusiasts and advocates:
- Moving Design’sOur Road — 2011 intervention on bike safety
- Carly Evans from Working Bikes Cooperative (Chicago) and Victor Pizarro (New Orleans)
- John Greenfield (Chicago)
- Steven Lane (Chicago) and Clay Dykestra (Spearfish, SD)
- Pearl Dick (Chicago and Sean Pace (Asheville, NC)
- John Lankford (Chicago)
- performances by—
- John Greenfield (Chicago)
- Sonia Paço-Rocchia (Quebec)
- Vultures Quartet (London)
- Chicago Bike Ensemble (Lisa LaMarre -- dance, Erin Whaley -- dance, Chelsie Jackson -- dance, Lisa Scurlock -- dance, James Cornish -- trumpet, Rob Frye -- saxophone, Dan Godston – trumpet and bicycle, Jayve Montgomery -- reeds and percussion, Tom Madeja – trumpet, Albert Wildeman -- upright bass, Christopher Bruce – percussion, and Anthony Poretti – percussion);
- Stone Free (Chicago)
“Bicycles and the Arts” includes the following partners: Chicago Hot Glass, Co-op Image, Working Bikes Cooperative, and Active Transportation Alliance.