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Rendez-vous création, CISM 89,3FM, Dimanche 2 octobre à midi

cism 89.3 FM J’ai été invité à l’émission Rendez-vous Création.

Dimanche 2 octobre 2011, 12h (heure de Montréal)
CISM 89.3 FM
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Rendez-vous Création

Magazine culturel dédié à la relève de la musique de création québécoise. Chaque semaine, Julie-Christine Parent et Mathieu Voghel-Robert reçoivent un compositeur qui est invité à livrer ses inspirations et ses intérêts pour aider l’auditeur a mieux comprendre l’émotivité d’une musique qui est trop souvent qualifiée d’hermétique. Le « tête-à-têtes » est ponctué par l’écoute d’extraits des créations de l’invité, de musiques qui lui servent d’inspiration et de diverses chroniques.

“Bicycles & the Arts” at Chicago Hot Glass

“Bicycles & the Arts” at Chicago Hot Glass
Friday, September 30 (8 p.m.)
Chicago Hot Glass
1250 North Central Park Avenue
Chicago, IL  60651
phone: (773) 394-3252

You are invited to attend “Bicycles and the Arts,” the kick-off event for the Sixth Annual Chicago Calling Arts Festival. This event also happens during the 2011 Chicago Artists Month. The purposes of “Bicycles and the Arts” include: finding meaningful connections between values of bicycle culture and values found in the arts community (such as community development through public access and education); highlighting the values of bicycling such as healthy lifestyles; and making meaningful connections with other related topics such as safe streets and progressive urban planning. In addition, this event will be a fundraiser for Co-op Image’s Fall 2011 Glassworks Program. This event is being presented by the Borderbend Arts Collective, in partnership with Chicago Hot Glass. Admission $15, refreshments provided.

“Bicycles and the Arts” includes—

  • demonstrations by resident artists and guest artists of Chicago Hot Glass and Co-Op Image students;
  • bicycle-themed art (2D and 3D art and videos)—by artists such as Andy DelaRosa and other TBA artists;
  • presentations by bicycle enthusiasts and advocates: 
    • Moving Design’sOur Road2011 intervention on bike safety
    • Carly Evans from Working Bikes Cooperative (Chicago) and Victor Pizarro (New Orleans)
    • John Greenfield (Chicago)
    • Steven Lane (Chicago) and Clay Dykestra (Spearfish, SD)
    • Pearl Dick (Chicago and Sean Pace (Asheville, NC)
    • John Lankford (Chicago)
  • performances by—
    • John Greenfield (Chicago)
    • Sonia Paço-Rocchia (Quebec)
    • Vultures Quartet (London)
    • Chicago Bike Ensemble (Lisa LaMarre -- dance, Erin Whaley -- dance, Chelsie Jackson -- dance, Lisa Scurlock -- dance, James Cornish -- trumpet, Rob Frye -- saxophone, Dan Godston – trumpet and bicycle, Jayve Montgomery -- reeds and percussion, Tom Madeja – trumpet, Albert Wildeman -- upright bass, Christopher Bruce – percussion, and Anthony Poretti – percussion);
    • Stone Free (Chicago)


“Bicycles and the Arts” includes the following partners: Chicago Hot Glass, Co-op Image, Working Bikes Cooperative, and Active Transportation Alliance.

The Toronto Improvisors Orchestra

I am going to play with the Toronto Improvisors Orchestra twice this week.

Toronto Improvisors Orchestra
9th September, 8:00
Array, New Music Centre
60 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 218
Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1X9 (map)
Free or PWYC donations

Paul Cram ensemble,
Victoria Gibson (from the Guelph Jazz Festival)
and Sonia Paço-Rocchia.
Sunday 11th of September, 2PM
Tranzac Club
292 Brunswick Avenue, Toronto (map)

Phono:Graphic at Galerie8 with SoundFjord

14 August 2011 / PHONO:GRAPHIC
An evening in collaboration with Soundfjord
6 - 9 pm 

Some of my scores, including Massing’s and Prélude de Bouilloires’s will be exhibit during that event

Artists include film works by David Chapman, Claudia Molitor, and Gary James Joynes (Clinker). Tim Yates and friends from the Royal College of Music performed an object-based score; Ella Finer, a score for voice and sax; Patrick Farmer and co, a score by Ichiyanagi as well as a video score, Alterations, by Jan Hendrickse; and finally, Jan also performed some repertoire - Cardew’s Treatise (excerpt) and Brown’s 1952. The paper-based works occupied a corner to the west of the atrium. Works included pieces by myself, John Kannenberg, Stephen Vitiello, Jason Kahn, Jo Thomas, Stuart Russell, Sarah Harvey, Seth Kim-Cohen, Ailís Ní Ríain, David Toop and others...


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