This is a little improvisation to try out my first modified recorder.
Des 'tits points dans le bois - One Day Work series
This is a video of a live video and music improvisation.
One Day Work is a series of art works that are made in one day only.
First modified recorder for live electronics music
I finally turned this bad recorder I found in a second hand shop in a "electric" recorder.
As I was telling here I got an inner microphone for the bassoon. I had the idea to try to use this microphone on other wind instruments, just to see how it would sound. So, for a first try, I got a student second hand recorder at 1$ in a second hand shop. I tried to imitate the modification I have on my modified bassoon bocal. The main problem I got is that the flute is made of plastic and it melted when I made the hole. So, it doesn’t look as pretty as I would like for a better instrument, but it works.

It works, and it sounds better than I expected (see video here). So, I just bought a YRT304B sopranino recorder for the next step. Looking forward to receiving it.
"Electric" bassoon
If you know a bit what I do with the bassoon, you probably realised that I have, what some people call, an "electric" bassoon. I think this term is used because I can actually plug the bassoon with a 1/4 jack as an electric guitar would do. But, in fact, that is the only common part with the electric guitar. I actually have a normal bassoon with a modified bocal.

I have a pick-up on my bocal. Well, actually, it is often call a pick-up, but it has nothing to do with a electro magnetic pick-up from an electric guitar nor a piezo-electric microphone that we sometime call pick-ups. Well, actually, has it takes air vibration, it should be call a microphone, or maybe an inner-microphone, a transducer. I have a Telex.
The modified bocal got a hole in it, before the first octave-key hole, first hole of the instrument. So, the microphone "hear" from the inside of the instrument. You can understand that with this idea, you get a lot less outside noise, but, you do get some. And, you can understand that as we never hear an instrument from inside, the sound is not the sound we are used to hear, but, it is good enough if you want to torture it with effects.
Here, is a piece for bassoon in which I used that bocal with an inner microphone. But, for the recording of the instrument, I had a standard microphone too.
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