: Installation › Words ( Quotes + Random Thoughts + Definition )


Artist too shy to send stuff

Artist sends stuff - does not receive any reply

Artist sends stuff - receives generic NO reply

Artist sends stuff - receives personalised NO reply

Artist sends stuff - receives YES BUT reply

Artist sends stuff - receives YES great reply

Artist asked to do stuff - sends YES great reply

Artist asked to do stuff - sends YES BUT reply

Artist asked to do stuff - sends YES reply, too shy to say no

Artist asked to do stuff - sends personalised NO reply

Artist asked to do stuff - sends generic NO reply

Artist asked to do stuff - does not send any reply

People too shy to ask artist to do stuff


Les gens qui nous aiment frame our liberty. 

Freedom. To be free to go.

Good bye. I want to see you later. 

Si je veux, quand je veux.


Je m’ennuie. J’espère que tu respires encore.



Pinocchio, où es-tu? Reviens!

Ghosts, alive.

Alive ghosts are these people, you know, the ones that come and go in our lives, hours, days, months, and who, one day, we know when, go. Though, the planet is not that big…
But, if then, we are only in the heart of the people who could actually, see us?
Traveler, you come, you go, you appear, I love you, you disappear, you are not anymore, until the next drink we are going to have together, period.

I am a ghost.

Yesterday, you were not here. Here is not home. Home is everywhere. Home is nowhere.

Yesterday, you were not here. You son's born, you got married, you moved. Your parents passed away, you divorced. Beg my pardon, what is the name of your new boyfriend, oh, you are already with another one?

You had to take a decision, I wasn't there. You have done nothing, you let things go, it is now dead, finished, it is born, it grows, it rotted, it flowed, it overgrowned, it… I was not there….

Freedom is damned priced….

I am a free ghost.

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