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the ebb of acrophobia

I will play bassoon in that piece

l reed & b yianni / world premier / fourth plinth / trafalgar square / london / 13th july / 2009

Acrophobia, from the Greek ’akron’ (peak) and ’phobos’ (fear) is a fear of heights and is extremely common. It is now widely believed that fear of height is a response we are all born with and is an evolutionary adaptation. Mild suffers like myself will experience rising heart rate, a knot in the stomach, sweaty palms and inertia.

the composition ’the ebb of acrophobia’ is an attempt to reflect the state of mind and physical condition of the living sculpture on the plinth and, through score, signals and improvisation interpret his changing state / the outcome is largely unknown

Lawrence Reed’s website
a video of the performance here


The Fourth Plinth

From 6 July 2009 the Fourth Plinth in the north west of Trafalgar Square is home to Antony Gormley’s One & Other, an astonishing living monument. He is asking the people of the UK to occupy the empty Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square, a space normally reserved for statues of Kings and Generals, in an image of themselves, and a representation of the whole of humanity.

The plinth is being occupied by different people every hour, 24 hours a day, for 100 days.

See it live

The Great Learning

I’ll be performing in that event. All The Great Learning of Cornelius Cardew

Performance: 11th July 2009, Leytonstone Festival

The Great Learning is a piece of music written by Cornelius Cardew in the late 60’s and early 70’s. It features performers who have little or no musical training, in an attempt to free the music from the preconceptions and habits of conventionally trained players. The Great Learning draws on text from the Confucian book of the same name, which is recited and sung at regular intervals throughout the piece. When performed in its entirety the piece is very long (6 1/2 hours in total), broken down into 7 separate sections or Paragraphs.


This video is a very small taste of a complete performance of Cornelius Cardew’s 6 1/2 hour composition, The Great Learning. The performance took place on July 11th 2009 as part of the Leytonstone Festival. For more information, and complete audio recordings of the performance, see the website: http://www.insearchofsilence.co.uk/greatlearning.


I’ll perform as part as Tree Radical. I’m the tree who plays the bassoon... Look at the video!

Tree Radical - 50 trees take to the streets of London in a performance that engaged and inspired.

On Thursday 9 July, a parade of 50 trees took to the streets of London to coincide with the Radical Nature exhibition. Stopping at landmark locations including St Paul’s, Bank, Leicester Square, Covent Garden and Piccadilly Circus, the trees entertained the crowds with singing, dancing and staged a host of interactive performances to deliver a reminder of the natural world in the urban environment of the Capital.

The final event, a performance of two hours, will be outside and inside the Barbican Centre.

Radical Nature

Some photos on Event Magazine
An article on Culture24
An article in The London Paper

Sound Through at Shunt

Site specific improvisations, I’ll be with bassoon, sound of voice, other little things and live electronics (wiis, pedals...)

24th, 25th and 26th of June
6pm to 9pm
At the Shunt
facebook event
access to the Shunt:
£5 Wednesday and Thursday
£10 Friday

Sound Through is a collective of musicians and sonic artists committed to exploring ideas surrounding aural architecture, sound manipulation, improvisation and performance.

In an ongoing series of site-specific works the Sound Through collective work closely with a range of spaces around London in order to create new and exciting improvised soundscapes using custom designed software and various sound objects and sound making devices and acoustic instruments.

  • Tristan Shorr
  • Bruno Humberto
  • Tom Mudd
  • Nahum Mantra
  • James Alaska
  • Sonia Paço-Rocchia
  • and guesses (Takashi, Tom Whitehouse, Hutch Demouilpied and more!)

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