: Évènements ( 2022 + 2021 + 2020 + 2019 + 2018 + 2017 + 2016 + 2015 + 2014 + 2013 + 2012 + 2011 + 2010 + 2009 + 2008 + 2007 + 2006 )

ZzCc in residency at The Cannery at South Penobscot, Maine - USA

Anoush Moazzeni and I are having a 4 days residency at The Cannery at South Penobscot, Maine - USA

We are going to work on Piano+ and sound automata ensemble with live electronics

The Cannery at South Penobscot 2 day festival of sound and music improvisation

My bassoon, my live electronics and I would be part of this nice short festival in Penobscot, on the 21st and 22nd of August. The organiser is Leslie Ross, a bassoonist who  work with live electronics herself. I am so happy I’ll be there! And the line up looks great! 

The Cannery at South Penobscot presents its second mini 2 day festival of sound and music improvisers featuring an exciting line up of artists

On Sunday Aug 21, there will be two sets one at 6 and one at 8 pm, followed by an improv-jam open to all at 10pm

On Monday Aug 22, Score Night! 
discrete sets start at 7 pm with some sets incorporating scores that musicians have brought with them. 

Al Margolis (viola, contact mics, clarinet), Chester, NYhttp://www.ifbwana.com/
Anoush Moazzen (piano, electronics), Quebec City 
Audrey Chen (voice, cello), Berlin, Germany http://www.audreychen.com/
Beth Wiesman (clarinet), ME & MA
Duane Ingalls (voice, accessories), Machias, ME
Flandrew Fleisenberg (percussion), Philadelphia, PA
Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø (trombone), Oslo, Norway
Id M Theft Able (voice and electronics), Portland, ME
Leslie Ross (bassoon, electronics), Penobscot, ME
Melinda Faylor (piano, electronics), NYC
Nate Aldrich (field recordings), Sedgwick, ME
Paul Sullivan (piano), Sedgwick, ME
Sonia Paço-Rocchia (bassoon, electronics), Montreal
Walter Wright (percusion, electronics), Lowel, MA
Katherine Liberovskaya (video), NYC / Montreal http://www.liberovskaya.net/
Asimina Chremos http://asiminachremos.com/ &
Loren Groenendaal http://vervetdance.org/
(dance) Philadelphia, PA

[PLAY;] - performance de restitution de résidence à DAÏMÔN

restitution de résidence
7 pm - June 29 2016

78 rue Hanson
Gatineau (Québec)
J8Y 3M5
Plus de détails

En résidence au centre DAÏMÔN avec Sandrine Deumier

Du 11 juin au 4 juillet je serai en résidence au centre DAÏMÔN, Gatineau, Québec, Canada avec Sandrine Deumier, auteure, vidéaste, performeuse de Toulouse, France

Ici pour suivre le déroulement de la résidence.


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