: composer - sound artist - performer - bassoon improviser - live electronics musician


for bass flute and live electronics
April 2010

This is a piece that will eventually be part of a Multimedia Instrumental Opera, for 18 instruments and live electronics, video, dance and live art.

In that Instrumental Opera, the bass flute will represent the memories.

This piece contains a lot of choices that the player has to take, some semi improvised and some controlled improvisation.

I composed this piece on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, during a composition retreat of Rarescale.

Susan Geaney kindly premièred it, in Skye, something like 30 hours after I finished the composition. You can't have more fresh.

As we can see, a Nitendo Wii Remote is strapped on the foot joint of the bass flute and it is the tilt, the angle of the flute that is provoking the Max/MSP patch. For the opera something more discreet will be used.


London Improvisers Orchestra at Ronnie Scotts, 10th August

LIO gig out of the Oto series:

The London Improvisers Orchestra
For all details about the gig, the LIO line up and the other acts click here
Ronnie Scotts
47 Frith Street, Soho, London, W1D 4HT (map)
Tuesday 10th August
Doors 6:00, music 7:00, LIO 8:30

Installation sur le Slinky, seconde version

version 2010

After the first version if the installation, in 2004, a research on the slinky and performances of Sans Escalier, piece for slinky solo, the Slinky saga continue.

Frances Bowman asked to be part of Part Ark, an week-end of exhibition in a park, as a sound artist. I though that I could wake up my slinkies. Installation sur le slinky is an interactive installation using slinkies as source of sound. I did it years ago in Montréal, (Installation sur le slinky). But this one, in London, is partly inspired by Robin Whittle slinky research.

Here is a little video of this year slinky installation:

LIO, 1st August, Cafe Oto, in memory of Harry Beckett

This LIO gig will be in memory of Harry Beckett who is greatly missed.

The London Improvisers Orchestra
Café Oto
18-22 Ashwin St, Dalston, London, E8 3DL - map
Sunday 1st August
Doors 8.00, music 8.30
£6/concessions £4

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