: Installation › Sound Installation ( Sentier sonore + APREM )

Boxes solo

Invisible Ink

A little sound installation. A book where you can write your secret, your best quote, it is invisible ink, but your secret will produce sounds.

This installation as been presented in Around This House - Happening in the Library

(video) Video of different secrets
(audio) Some recordings of "secrets"

Build Your Harmony

A blue cylinder. Touch it, it will sing. Move it, it will sing another note. Put the orange rectangular prism on it. This way, the note it sings is consonant with the note of the cylinder. Take the red triangular prism. Put it sideways. You have now a dissonant chord. And now, the green pyramid, and the purple cone. Build yourself a still life of geometric shapes, build your harmony.

Build your harmony is a interactive sound installation for all ages. Youngers will enjoy playing with big blocks making sounds, and and olders will appreciate the infinite different harmonies they can create by interacting with the shapes, at the same time affecting the rhythm. When nobody will interact with the installation, the last harmony will become soft and will develop rhythmically on its own, and will develope its own un-phase rythm. If the shape is not moving its sound will fade out slowly to a very low volume. When somebody moves it the volume will quickly fade in. If this person moves the shape more vigorously the volume will increase, and when this person leaves the shape stationary the sound will fade out slowly.

église folle

Application maison, à l’interface portugo-catholique permettant de faire de la synthèse en temps réel

(link) église_folle.app pour Mac Os 10.x

Lors de mon cours de max/mps, j’ai dû faire de la synthèse. Je n’ai jamais trop aimé la synthèse, alors, il faut bien s’amuser!

La synthèse étant faite en temps réel, sur les machines plus ancienne, avec moins de 500mHz, ça risque de ne pas fonctionner fluidement.

Et ça ne fonctionne pas sur les Intels... délolée!

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