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Sentier sonore – recherche sur l’interaction - financé par le CALQ-Laurentides

Sentier sonore – recherche sur l’interaction fait parti des 24 projets artistiques et littéraires soutenus par l’entente territoriale CALQ- Laurentides

Making Waves: Chantal Dumas, Sonia Paço-Rocchia

Aug 12, 2017

Produced by New Adventures in Sound Art.

In this month’s Making Waves, Brian Connolly speaks with Chantal Dumas and Sonia Paço-Rocchia, both of whom are featured artists at the Sound Travels event that has been taking place this week at the Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium. Brian speaks to both sound artists about their journey from their earliest involvements in sound art to their creative approaches today. Chantal outlines the influence of geology in the presentation of her work ’Nazca Plate’, while Sonia discusses her piece ’Scies’ in which the resonance of saw blades and other industrial tools is explored.

Listen here

Scies @ TIES

Scies @ Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium, and invitation by New Adventures in Sound Art

Sound Travels Concert: Object Response 

Performances by Sonia Paço-Rocchia and Alan Bloor

August 11, 2017, 7:30 pm

Ernest Balmer Studio, 9 Trinity Street, #315, Toronto (Case Goods Building, Distillery District), Toronto

General $15, Students $10, or free with TIES registration!

Object Response is a performance by Sonia Paço-Rocchia from Montreal and Alan Bloor from Toronto where saw blades and other industrial tools are transformed into live electroacoustic instruments. This performance will explore the full dynamic and timbral range of these resonant acoustic sources.


I. Scies by Sonia Paço-Rocchia 

A performance for sound automatons made from saw blades, musical saw, stemsaw, other instruments derived from blades and live electronics. Scies: You never saw a performance like this.

II. Dual Abrasives by Alan Bloor 

The performance, Dual Abrasives, will compare two (of many) sound projects of Alan Bloor: Knurl and Pholde. Both of these projects use the treated analog sounds of metals cultures from found objects.

Knurl, began in 1994, as an idea to capture the very harsh and abrasive sounds of the welding shops in which Bloor worked. Pholde, which was initiated in 2002,

has a more suspenseful, "ambient" sound. In this project, Bloor uses the natural resonances of the metal.

This evening's performance will concentrate mainly on sounds from saw blades.


Le centre Daïmôn m’a commandé une oeuvre pour Interstices, un parcours sonore. J’y présente la quatrième pièce de ma série, Sentier sonore.

Lames @ Interstices - Sentier sonore 04v01
Centre Daïmôn, Hull, Québec
Lancement le 12 juillet à 19h à la Filature
Du 12 juillet au 30 août 2017

Lames est placé sur un mur de la Fonderie de Hull.

Lames est ouverte durant les heures d’ouvertures de À Perte de vue, un grand projet d’installations visuelles par AXENÉO7

Mercredi : 12 h à 22 h
Jeudi : 12 h à 18 h
Vendredi : 12 h à 18 h
Samedi : 12 h à 18 h
Dimanche : 12 h à 18 h

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