: instrument: Keyboards

Masse d'accordéon

Art web sonore

En résidence à StudioXX, j’expérimente sur les possibilités de l’audio sur le Web

Après le décès de Pauline Oliveros, la semaine passée, j’ai eu envie de travailler avec des sons d’accordéons.

Masse d’accordéons

ZzCc video

ZzCc in residency at The Cannery at South Penobscot, Maine, August 2016
ZzCc: Anoush MoaZzeni on Augmented Prepared Piano with Live Electronics & Sonia Paço-RoCchia on Automated Unconventional Instruments

ZzCc in residency at The Cannery at South Penobscot, Maine

ZzCc: Anoush MoaZzeni on Augmented Prepared Piano with Live Electronics & Sonia Paço-RoCchia on Automated Unconventional Instruments

photos of Anoush by Sonia Paço-Rocchia
photos of Sonia by Anoush Moazzeni
photos of the duo by Leslie Ross

Mat Jour d'hiver

Little video and music inspired by a mat winter sky after some freezing rain.

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